根据真实事件改编,春暖讲述了苏联军官Alexander Pechersky的英雄事迹。故事发生在索比堡,春暖它作为波兰4大集中营之一,是一个死亡集中营。而Alexander Pechersky却做到了一件不可能的事情:他在三周的时间,组织了一次被囚人员的反抗行动且成功逃离了大批人员。虽然有人在途中被击倒,剩下来的生者纷纷加入了反法西斯的游击队中去。
根据真实事件改编,春暖讲述了苏联军官Alexander Pechersky的英雄事迹。故事发生在索比堡,春暖它作为波兰4大集中营之一,是一个死亡集中营。而Alexander Pechersky却做到了一件不可能的事情:他在三周的时间,组织了一次被囚人员的反抗行动且成功逃离了大批人员。虽然有人在途中被击倒,剩下来的生者纷纷加入了反法西斯的游击队中去。
回复 :福斯托和纳丁在巴黎一家酒店第一次认识,他们都很脆弱,孤独,渴望拥有幸福。福斯托是移居法国的意大利人,作为一个服务员他希望自己能有所作为,但一直未果,而纳丁是一个年轻而美丽的法国姑娘。他们双双坠入爱河,两人的命运从此交织在一起。
回复 :迪士尼于1987年发行了一部十分特別的电影,全片几乎都是由动物所主演,片名是《丛林赤子心》(Benji the Hunted),故事內容是敘述一只名叫Benji小狗的故事。其實在《丛林赤子心》之前,导演Joe Camp所属的 Mulberry Square制片公司已在1974年、1977年、1980年推出了三部以小狗Benji为主角的电影,都受到观众的欢迎,1987年的《丛林赤子心》才是与迪士尼合作,再度介绍这只传奇的灵犬!本片剧情是叙述灵犬Benji流落野外的故事,Benji发现有一只豹妈妈被猎人射杀,留下孤苦无依的四只小豹,Benji在恻隐之心的驱使下,顾不得自己远离家园,还担负起照顾四只小豹的任务,甚至因此放弃了好几回它明明可以回家的机会。另外,Benji还要提防灰狼等凶猛野兽的攻击,保护小豹的安全。最后,它总算替小豹们找到了一个适当的归宿。本片的导演是Joe Camp,本片大部分情节都是动物们演出的画面,因此有对白的部分并不多,故事情节相当感人,配乐也非常不错 ,本片的配乐则是由Euel Box所负责。
回复 :To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat in Gujarat province lies a vast industrial zone that has been growing ever since the 1960s. Director Rahul Jain filmed the grueling daily routine in just one of the many textile factories there. In the factory, man and machine seem to have fused into one being. It is dark and dank, and barely any daylight penetrates the space. The labor is heavy and mind-numbing, and the work days seem endless. We are drawn into a gloomy world where the cacophonous beat of machinery sets the rhythm of toil. Jain is as interested in the mysterious connection between worker and product (the fabrics are treated mechanically, but also with love) as he is in the degrading conditions. Each shift lasts 12 hours, for adults and children alike, and wages are extremely low. Short interviews are interspersed throughout the observational sequences, some of which are captivating in their beauty while others are painful to watch – such as when we see a boy nodding violently in his struggle to stay awake. (From IDFA official website)