冲田The story begins when a wife who has been living with her disabled husband steals money from his bank account as she is blinded by greed and desire.
冲田The story begins when a wife who has been living with her disabled husband steals money from his bank account as she is blinded by greed and desire.
回复 :
回复 :达多和埃斯特雷拉想组建一个家庭,忘记他们以前的性工作者工作。但当他们遇到贝比时,当埃斯特雷拉发现达多和贝比的婚外情后,他们的关系变得不稳定。
回复 :帮派头目佩佩被他的敌对帮派和警察追捕,所以他跑向他信任的旧情人贝拉。但当警方悬赏抓获他时,这种信任就动摇了。