春暖In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother.
春暖In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother.
回复 :花店女姑娘高月英帮父母打理花店,左邻右舍皆称她为百花公主,她暗恋邻方换文。文偶然认识了过气歌星丁爱玲,对她一见钟情。为追求玲,文连唯一的西服也押了,常花掉仅有的几元,拜托英送花给玲。英一方面暗中帮助文,一方面被文的行为弄得七窍生烟。文痴恋玲,令玲大感厌烦。文「失恋」卧病在床,英貌似玲,为使文康复,遂假冒玲安慰文。文得悉真相后伤心沮丧,兼逢失业。适高家花店聘人,文获聘,英、文相处下来,情投意合,乐也融融
回复 :It is often maintained that films present intimate insight into the lives of their protagonists, usually implying a psychological or physical closeness.
回复 :十八世纪初,制图家格林在从欧洲向东方的科考旅途上。在翻越喀尔巴阡山脉的过程中,他迷失在森林深处一座被遗弃的村庄——只有偶然的意志和浓雾能将他带到这个被诅咒的地方。在这里生活的人不像任何他在旅途上曾经见过的人。这些通过深深的沟渠将自己与世界隔绝的人们,天真地相信这样便能摆脱不纯净,却不明白腐朽早已深入他们的灵魂,只是在等待时机爆发。这位唯物主义的科学家在梦里也不会预料到,在这里迎接他的是魔鬼的忠实仆人。