回复 :Somewhere on isolated mountainous plain. Johann has taken over his father’s farm, devoting all his time and energy to his work. Surrounded by a struggling community and a natural landscape that has taught him all he knows, his heritage is his entire life. As autumn goes and winter comes, a barn burns to the ground and jeopardizes the fragile balance of the farm's survival. The story of a man trying to love the world he belongs to one last time, as hard as he can, before it sinks into darkness.
回复 :韩国演员赵镇雄和金成钧此次在《我们是兄弟》中饰演一对分别30年之久的兄弟,语言、生活习惯、思维方式、宗教信仰都完全不同的两人,但是刚相聚30分钟就把老妈给弄丢了,兄弟俩一起踏上寻母之路,有各种矛盾和搞笑的事情发生。
回复 :阿乐(关楚耀 饰)、明明(尤凤音 饰)、朱君(黄俊铭 饰)三个大学生对未来抱着希望,奈何现实生活迫人,毕业后每天为钱烦恼。某个晚上,三人巧遇一宗提款机劫案,事后贼人被捕,而提款机却下落不明。三人决定寻找提款机,以解生活所需,但问题是:提款机竟潜藏在郊区的一所老人院内!他们为了钱,混入老人院之中,展开一场八十后青年与八十岁老人的智力斗争!最终,两代人打破隔膜,发现人生除了钱,原来还有更重要的事。