回复 :Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in Black Sea. He earns his life breeding a few animals, while looking for a mineral reserve on the mountains but his pursuit is seen as useless by his family. Destroyed in search of a mineral reserve, his hope is renewed with the news of a competition.
回复 :故事由两拨盗贼团伙争抢一把价值不菲的扇子展开情节。侠盗团虽为盗贼团伙,但偷盗来的赃物都用做了扶贫救困,另一波由V带领的女贼团伙则是将赃物倒卖出国。两伙盗贼同时盯上了这把扇子,开始了明争暗斗的抢夺大战。
回复 :The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.