性行A woman takes desperate measures in an attempt to get her abusive husband suspended from police duty.
性行A woman takes desperate measures in an attempt to get her abusive husband suspended from police duty.
回复 :This movie is the only movie in the history of Tamil cinema to not have released a trailer. Only a 46 second teaser was released, making it one of the most anticipated tamil movies ever.
回复 :在這個超級英雄的起源故事中,喀拉拉邦某小鎮的一名裁縫師遭閃電擊中,卻因此得到了超能力。托維諾·湯瑪斯主演。
回复 : 量日益壮大的活死人将脚步逐渐踏向人类赖以生存的地球上的每一个角落,活人与活死人之间的对抗就像是一场无法醒来的梦魇。幸存的人们龟缩在深院高墙的庇护城中,少数的富豪与权贵阶层依旧高高在上,在城中费德勒斯格林中继续维持着安逸的生活梦想,这里是人类统治阶级的最后堡垒;散播于大街小巷的平民百姓在赌博、卖淫、毒品充斥的现实世界中依旧困顿地活着、挣扎着、企盼着一丝光明的希望。