河豚Donny Drucker's 1998 Bar Mitzvah VHS Tape.
河豚Donny Drucker's 1998 Bar Mitzvah VHS Tape.
回复 :秋秋的父母在她6岁那年离了婚,母亲潘玉兰和名叫关正光的男人组成了家庭,而秋秋则跟着父亲阿满生活。因为非常的想念母亲,阿满将秋秋送到潘玉兰家,哪知道关正光突然返回家中,见到秋秋和潘玉兰产生了激烈的争吵,秋秋明白自己是这场争吵的核心,黯然的离开了母亲家。工厂里的杨春娘爱上了老实肯干的阿满,两人最终走到了一起,阿满隐瞒了秋秋是自己女儿的事实,这一切让秋秋无意之中得知了,悲伤和失望之中,她选择了离家出走。秋秋被送到了乡下交给阿满的父母照料,但是两个老人年岁已高实在无力帮扶,秋秋只得又返回潘玉兰处。
回复 :本片记录了几个人的故事。第一个是矿业公司孤独的门卫,他在原本的工作和其他更好的工作机会之间徘徊。第二个是一位叫做丽塔(Rita)的妇女,她住在矿坑的附近。由于矿坑不断扩张,丽塔最后不得不离开那个破败不堪的家园。Romulo是另外一位主人翁,他决定将矿石运往另一个大洲。
回复 :Inspired by true life events, in the Oyo Empire in the 1940's, Elesin Oba, the king's chief horseman, succumbs to the lure of beauty and sexual desire on the very evening he is set to die in order to fulfil his lifelong debt of ritual suicide to accompany the dead Alaafin to the realm of the ancestors, he derails from a very important generational and spiritual transaction. This sets in motion a series of catastrophic consequences, in a spell-binding film of emotions, humour, and tragic role reversals that puts ancient beliefs and customs on trial in an ever increasingly post-modern and Western world.