回复 :种地团继《种地吧》之后首次合体,兄弟十人将前往各自的家乡进行一次自驾游学之旅。出游之时,恰逢秋收时节,他们将一路游一路学,一路劳作,一路收获,在旅途中结识新农人、体验新生活、感受新乡村,以十个勤天的视角全面认识中国农业的现状。
回复 :去故宫赏金嵌珍珠天球仪、到敦煌研究院看敦煌遗书、在布达拉宫法王洞欣赏文成公主像……《国家宝藏 第三季》将以新面貌、新形式回归,但不变的是熟悉的、有温度的人文情怀。节目组携手享誉世界的9座历史文化遗产,带你看文物的前世今生,更有张国立、靳东、杨紫、郭麒麟、朱广权、赵文卓、蒋欣、许还山、沈腾、陈建斌、富大龙、张子枫超强阵容讲述上下五千年的中国故事!文物之旅即将开启。
回复 :My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their unique sound. The competition winner will receive a life-changing prize from Apple Music, receiving unprecedented support and exposure on the platform.