德云德纲Canada 7 September 2007 (Toronto Film Festival)UK 2 May 2008
德云德纲Canada 7 September 2007 (Toronto Film Festival)UK 2 May 2008
回复 :男主角何东是一名木讷老实的研究员,他本想求助网络上著名的撩妹大师向心爱女神表白,却在撩妹大师的指导下全盘失败还使自己摔成植物人。摔伤后的何东灵魂出窍来找撩妹大师真人刘一飞算账,就这样一男一女、一“鬼”一人开启了搞笑的相遇之旅。就在观众以为这是在上演网大版“鬼怪”时,结局却出其不意的感动了所有人。原来这一切都不是巧合,而是一个深情的丈夫为实现妻子心愿精心策划的一场重逢……
回复 :燕山君即位為帝,一心要追封被先王廢黜賜死的母后尹妃,但受百官阻撓而作罷。無法恢復尹妃的身份,讓燕山君感到日夜被母親的冤魂纏繞,因而變得異常暴躁,荒廢政事。申相玉對於《燕山君》被西方評為「韓國的《哈姆雷特》」,顯得不以為然,而且對於當年為了趕及新年檔期上映,只能用兩個月倉促拍竣一部歷史鉅片,極為不滿。連同翌年的續集《燕山暴君》(1962),他曾揚言希望把兩部影片的菲林底片都燒毀。儘管如此,《燕山君》在當年還是叫好叫座,獲頒第一屆大鐘獎(1962)的最佳電影。
回复 :Raynor is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and good-looking Kristen. Their ultimate target is Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction and fall in love with each other. Despite subjecting themselves to the life of low class, one track junkies they do not get the evidence they want to convict Gaines, and instead are forced into using false evidence in court.