回复 :Opens with the lovely Pin dreaming about great sex with a bloke whom she soon meets in real life – he’s a security guard at her apartment block. There’s also a group of voyeur cops and their captain Fatty Pang who is always losing on the racehorses. Fatty spies on Pin in the shower one day and steals her red underwear. Pin keeps having lustful fantasies and sometimes has sex wi...
回复 :一部纯粹表现大陆黄土高原风味的文学电影,由大陆导演黄建新执导,台湾演员张世担纲扮演男主角五魁。全片制作严谨,阐事手法亦颇有味道,可惜片中很多仪式性的场面安排却有着《大红灯笼高高挂》的浓厚影子,使本片的艺术价值打了不少折扣。
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