亚洲Lira, a prize-winning author, spends a week to finish her final novel. But when she meets Andrei, a young documentarist, her plans start to change.
亚洲Lira, a prize-winning author, spends a week to finish her final novel. But when she meets Andrei, a young documentarist, her plans start to change.
回复 :薇迪雅是单位的员工,和下半身不能动弹的女儿米妮相依为命,想有一天带着女儿去美国治疗.有一天,女儿不见了,绑匪要她去一个地方.就在她急忙忙赶去的时候,遭遇了车祸.因德尔吉特·辛格副督察接手了这起车祸案,他翻看了薇迪雅的日记,发现原来米妮并不是她女儿.原来8年前,米妮叔叔猥亵她,而薇迪雅最终把米妮救了出来,期间米妮奶奶被薇迪雅推倒在地身亡.薇迪雅也带着米妮逃离了,可遭到了警方的通缉.而现今的绑匪正是米妮的叔叔.其实,薇迪雅原来是因德尔吉特·辛格的前妻杜尔迦·拉妮·辛格......
回复 :環境紀錄片導演柯金源,最新力作《海之岸》以跨領域、共創的方式,與人劇團表演藝術工作者,一起探索台灣海岸的各種意象,詮釋目前的環境議題,請大家用心感受激盪出的浪花。從景觀豪宅前的「弔唁」,藻礁與能源爭議喧囂後的「蠕動」,灘地退潮後的「物種演化」,填海造地上的「吶喊」,風機及消波塊環伺的「天舞」,石化工業區的「味覺」,廢水污染與地層下陷的「感知」,以及自然海岸的「體認」,用二元對比與隱喻的影像,展現出不一樣的創作風格。
回复 :The boys attempt to turn an old Renault Espace people carrier and turn it into a convertible people carrier. Richard road tests a pink Nissan Micra convertible. James road tests the funky new Honda Civic. Jeremy road test Sweden's outrageous supercar, the Koenigsegg CCX. The boys said good buy to the Suzuki Liana and welcome the new Chevrolet Lacetti as the new Reasonably Price Car.