回复 :亚特兰蒂斯城,这里是一块神秘的古老大陆,一个热衷于跳牛运动、蛇发女妖们居住的地方,而且还是传说中由巨人们建立的广袤之地。一名叫Jason的年轻人(Jack Donnelly 饰)来到这个陌生的君主国,开始了一段不可思议的冒险之旅,探寻历史传说中的亚特兰蒂斯之谜——它真的是巨人建造的宫殿吗?那里真的居住着女神吗?希腊神话究竟有多少真实度?
回复 :A cave in of a local canal tunnel under restoration reveals the skeletons of eight individuals. While most of the skeletons are from a cave in when the canal was under construction in the 19th century, one is obviously of a more recent vintage. Dental records identify him as Eric Edwards who was reported missing in 1965. Supt. Barnaby delves into the history of the canal to see if he can find a connection. DS Troy is over the moon when he learns that he has qualified as a Detective Inspector and that there may be a job for him in another county. In what may be his last case in Midsomer, he follows up on an anonymous tip that teenagers are harassing a local hermit, Tom. When one of those teenagers is shot through the head, Barnaby leaves "Inspector" Troy in charge of the case.
回复 :考古专业的学生李雪(金泰熙 饰)昨天还只是名平凡的再平凡不过的学生,但一夜醒来,她居然就成了大韩民国皇室的公主!节俭的生活被锦衣玉食所取代;课本知识被各种社交礼仪所取代,这不是梦,这是李雪的真实生活。外人看起来值得艳羡的巨变,在李雪这却是各种不适应。而其中最令她烦恼的便是她的家庭老师朴海英(宋承宪 饰)。大韩民国最强大的财阀唯一的继承人,同时还身兼韩国外交官,外表还很英俊。与这样一名家庭老师相伴,李雪无疑成了万千韩国女性妒忌的对象。但在李雪眼里,朴海英只是个被上天派来折磨她的魔王。二人的相处充满摩擦,看对方互不顺眼的李雪和海英却在相处的过程中日久生情。但通往幸福的道路从来不可能一帆风顺,但王子终究会牵起公主的手,从此幸福的生活着。