凤凰A mad scientist creates a monster, but after its head is cut off, he keeps it alive in a serum he has invented.
凤凰A mad scientist creates a monster, but after its head is cut off, he keeps it alive in a serum he has invented.
回复 :在未来的某个年代,人们的思维已经被政府机构控制,政府机构通过电视信号传输一种催眠电波控制人们的行动。但是一些不甘心被强权统治的人们研究出一种眼镜,戴上这种眼镜,电视节目里道貌岸然的官员就会现出骷髅般的原形……
回复 :影片讲述了孟买猖獗的帮派争斗。It outlines the rampant gang wars in Bombay and culminates in an explosive 3-way face-off between the dreaded gangster Dawood, the notorious & charismatic gangster Manya Surve & Inspector Isaaque Bagwaan.
回复 :他是太平间的夜班守卫,有一天他被选中,帮助死去的人达成在地球上的未了心愿,有一天,他梦寐以求的女孩出现在那里...