回复 :A dramatisation of Franklin D. Roosevelt's remarkable life, WARM SPRINGS stars British actor Kenneth Branagh as FDR. Joining Branagh in a glittering cast are SEX AND THE CITY star Cynthia Nixon as Elanor Roosevelt, Academy Award winner Kathy Bates, and MINORITY REPORT star Tim Blake Nelson. Having been elected three times and been president during World War II and the Great Depression, FDR has overseen some of the most important events in American history. Director Joseph Sargent teases some amazing performances from his leads as the story unfolds, making this a heartfelt tribute to the former president.
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回复 :本剧讲述了1921年至1927年,从中共一大归来的青年毛泽东带着对中华民族将走向何方的忧国之问,如何在矢志不移地践行马克思主义信仰的过程中,以一个“探路人”“早行者”的姿态,从一名追随者成长为先行者、开拓者,并探索出中国革命正确道路的历史故事。从发展团员、党员到发动工人运动,从国共第一次合作到坚决同国民党右派斗争,直到走进田间地头,用脚步丈量出农民运动对于中国革命的意义,青年毛泽东始终恪守着马克思主义和湖湘文化的精髓,向上成长,向下扎根,敢为人先,知行合一。“问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?”,正是青年毛泽东及其同道的仰天长问和探寻之路,为中国革命开拓出辽阔新天。