《蚵豐村》是導演龍吟的首部長片作品,蝙蝠講述濱海漁村的故事,蝙蝠全片以16mm底片拍攝,除了呈現沿海漁塭的獨特美感,也試圖捕捉傳統村舍與寺廟信仰幽遠的在地氣息。一如台灣島本身雜揉多樣的海國特色,這部片邀請到了不同背景與文化底蘊的創作者,包括俄羅斯攝影師Aley Elagin、捷克聲音設計師Vojtech Zavadil、馬其頓燈光師Vladimir Dimoski等人,卡司則由「國民老爸」喜翔帶著新生代演員林禹緒、陳莘太同台飆戲。
《蚵豐村》是導演龍吟的首部長片作品,蝙蝠講述濱海漁村的故事,蝙蝠全片以16mm底片拍攝,除了呈現沿海漁塭的獨特美感,也試圖捕捉傳統村舍與寺廟信仰幽遠的在地氣息。一如台灣島本身雜揉多樣的海國特色,這部片邀請到了不同背景與文化底蘊的創作者,包括俄羅斯攝影師Aley Elagin、捷克聲音設計師Vojtech Zavadil、馬其頓燈光師Vladimir Dimoski等人,卡司則由「國民老爸」喜翔帶著新生代演員林禹緒、陳莘太同台飆戲。
回复 :Three years after the loss of his brother Vittorio, with whom he shared his entire career, Paolo Taviani returns to the works of Luigi Pirandello, which the pair adapted in 1984 (Chaos) and 1998 (You Laugh). In keeping with the Sicilian playwright’s vision, the film is not at all what it appears to be. The title may come from a 1910 novella, but there is no trace of that book’s jealousy-riddled plot. Instead, the focus is on Pirandello himself, or rather, his ashes, which are transported from a hasty burial site in fascist Rome to a permanent resting place in Sicily, on a trek that takes us through post-war Italy and its filmed memories, as seen in newsreels, amateur films and fragments of Neorealism. Having buried the master, Leonora addio then shifts gear from road movie to film adaptation, but here it picks a different Pirandello story, namely the last one, written shortly before his death in 1936. From the farewell of the title to its return to the writer’s last words, it is hard not to read this work, so free and yet so much a part of the Taviani world, as a moving brotherly farewell which, just as in 2012’s Golden Bear winner Caesar Must Die, once again uses cinema to give voice to literature and history.
回复 :A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller Members of the Funeral. Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's New Currents competish and so-called cutting-edge fests, Funeral is quietly riveting. A tad too restrained for midnight sidebars or commercial release, pic possesses an intensity that should secure fest berths.
回复 :家住武汉城区的达达(李昕芸 饰)是一个美丽自信的女孩,她可以随着音乐尽情起舞,全然不顾周遭诧异和误解的目光,特立独行的她俨然是古朴破旧的弄堂中一道靓丽甚至有些刺眼的风景线。她的妈妈(盖克 饰)含辛茹苦,结交的男朋友老陈却是一个靠女人吃饭的无赖,而且他对达达也心怀不轨。偶然从老陈口中听说自己并非母亲的亲生女儿,达达的内心难以平复。她约上一直喜欢自己的邻居男孩赵野(李霄峰 饰),一起跑到浙江寻找达达的亲生父母。他们不放过任何希望,但是却始终未能得到半点收获。身心渐渐疲倦,两个年轻男女返回家中,殊不知等待他们的是怎样的命运……