回复 :洪熙官(甄子丹 饰)是朝廷武官洪亭南(潘志文 饰)的儿子,对武术十分痴迷。洪亭南表面为朝廷效忠,但其真实身份却是主张反清复明的革命领袖,当这致命的秘密暴露之时,亦是洪亭南家破人亡之际。父亲的死让洪熙官受到了很大的刺激,他发誓要好好研习武艺,替父亲报仇雪恨。洪熙官和好友 高进忠(甑志强 饰)、童千斤(梁日豪 饰)一起进入了少林寺修习,之后三人遇见了同样武艺高强的方世玉(张家辉 饰),彼此之间结下了极为深厚的友谊。然而,洪熙官发现高进忠心术不正沦为叛徒,更企图对栽培他的师傅和整个少林寺行不轨之事,忍无可忍的洪熙官站了出来,和昔日好友兵戈相见。
回复 :After getting unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend, Chelsea (Emily Osment) a high-brow, Harvard-educated intellectual and aspiring novelist is forced to move in with her bubbly, carefree, not-so-intellectual West Coast sister, Claire (Olivia Macklin), and her three lovably eccentric, not-so-intellectual roommates: Grant (Gregg Sulkin), a distractingly handsome personal trainer, Solana (Cinthya Carmon), a former lawyer turned healer, and Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen), a social media influencer. But Chelsea's tough, sometimes judgemental exterior starts to soften as she gets to know her new friends, and they begin to form an unlikely found family.
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