回复 :瓢泼大雨之夜,一名妙龄女子遭遇车祸身亡。当久利生公平(木村拓哉 饰)和麻木千佳(北川景子 饰)对肇事司机进行例行问询时,大阪地方检察厅难波支部检察官雨宫舞子(松隆子 饰)意外出现在久利生的面前。原来死者和舞子正在追查的一起黑社会恐吓事件有关,种种迹象表明,雨夜车祸背后隐藏着不为人知的秘密。执着的久利生和伙伴们前往现场勘查,结果竟和纽斯特里亚公国大使馆扯上关系。由于大使馆享有治外法权,所以日本的检察系统根本无法取得对方的合作。在此之后,久利生等人接连遭遇死亡威胁,重重疑云无法打消这个固执男子追查真相的念头。他和伙伴们沿着一条遍布荆棘的道路奋勇前行……
回复 :Griff Bonnell and his brothers Wes and Chico arrive in an Arizona town. He is a reformed gunslinger, now working for the Attorney General's office, looking to arrest Howard Swain for mail robbery.Swain is one of landowner Jessica Drummond’s 40 hired guns. She runs the territory with an iron fist, permitting the town to be terrorized and trashed by her brother, Brockie Drummond, and his boys. Brockie is an arrogant drunk and bully, but he goes too far by shooting Marshal Chisolm in cold blood. Griff intervenes and knocks out Brockie with his pistol.Wes falls in love with Louvenie Spanger, so he decides to settle down and become the town's sheriff. Griff becomes romantically involved with Jessica after she is dragged by a horse during a cyclone.Two of her guns, Logan and Savage, attempt an ambush of Griff in an alley. He is saved by youngest brother Chico, who was supposed to be leaving for California for a new life on a farm. Chico's shot kills Savage, after which Jessica's brother and hired guns try to turn the town against the Bonnell brothers.On his wedding day, Wes is gunned down. Brockie is jailed for the murder. He tries to escape by using his sister as a shield, daring Griff to shoot, and is shocked when Griff does exactly that. Griff's expertly placed bullet merely wounds Jessica, and the cowardly Brockie then becomes the first man Griff has had to kill in 10 years.Chico remains behind to take the sheriff's job. Griff rides out, certain that Jessica hates him for killing her brother, but she runs after his buckboard and together they ride off.
回复 :在大都会盘桓多年的堂菌鸫美(荣仓奈奈 饰)身心疲惫,她辞掉工作后默默回到老家,与祖母十和相守度日。不过随着祖母的去世,鸫美重新被抛入孤独和悲伤之中。某个夜晚,一个中年男子不请自来出现在鸫美的家中。对方名叫海江田醇(丰川悦司 饰),自称是角岛大学哲学系教授,此前一直跟随鸫美的祖母学习印染技术。他拥有老房子的钥匙,并且全然没有离开的意思。海江田率真耿直,且个性毒舌,令鸫美不胜其扰,他甚至四处乱说会和鸫美结婚。但在磕磕绊绊的相处过程中,他们之间的距离似乎悄然地缩短了……本片根据西炯子的同名漫画改编。