花开A man's attempts to construct the ultimate romantic weekend backfire when his quest for perfection traps his lover in an infinite loop.
花开A man's attempts to construct the ultimate romantic weekend backfire when his quest for perfection traps his lover in an infinite loop.
回复 :In this delicate, deceptively small-scale drama from award-winning Iranian director Reza Mirkarimi, Youness, an ageing taxi driver, takes a young woman to a hospital at the end of his working day not knowing what awaits him there.
回复 :这是一个流传甚广的才子佳人的经典传说。在明朝时候,江南才子唐伯虎(向群 饰)游历苏州虎丘云岩寺,偶遇华府侍女秋香(陈思思 饰)。秋香举止得体,貌若天人,不仅令风流倜傥的唐寅也神魂颠倒,丑态百出。他一路尾随,如影随形,张皇之中做出多次尴尬之事,却也惹来秋香三次倾国倾城的笑容。为了抱得美人归,唐寅不惜自贬身价,化装成穷人混入太师府。更名华安的唐寅虽然身处其间,有了更多和秋香接触的机会,但是造物弄人,三番五次的误会反倒让秋香对他起了误会。另一方面,华太师两个不成器的儿子华文(余婉菲 饰)、华武(李炳宏 饰)也早对这位美人垂延三尺。一代风流才子,最终能否得偿所愿赢得美人芳心呢?
回复 :电影讲述的是加濑亮出演的日本男人前往首尔,试图与他心爱的女人复合的故事。