这部电影的灵感来自 90 年代的惊悚片,圣剑师讲述了假肢科学家 Abi 和她的水性杨花的丈夫Paul适应城外的生活以及 Abi 在高科技公司 Integrate 的新工作,圣剑师开发了一个人形人工智能 T.I.M.(Technologically. Integrated. Manservant)起初,T.I.M似乎是完美的助手,理解和满足他们的每一个需求,但与此同时,它越来越痴迷于Abi,直到它不惜一切代价取代Paul的位置,成为他的替补。
这部电影的灵感来自 90 年代的惊悚片,圣剑师讲述了假肢科学家 Abi 和她的水性杨花的丈夫Paul适应城外的生活以及 Abi 在高科技公司 Integrate 的新工作,圣剑师开发了一个人形人工智能 T.I.M.(Technologically. Integrated. Manservant)起初,T.I.M似乎是完美的助手,理解和满足他们的每一个需求,但与此同时,它越来越痴迷于Abi,直到它不惜一切代价取代Paul的位置,成为他的替补。
回复 :谨献给严打前线的公安战警…… 神射手被枪击?先进体育教师强奸杀人案?男扮女装抢劫案?是子弹?还是诱惑?弹道无情,危险无边!
回复 :韩卿(温茉言 饰)身为情感劝退师,受顾客委托调查其丈夫出轨,成为华京集团董事长冯斯乾(申浩男 饰)的私人助理,被迫卷入一场精心策划的阴谋。两人为寻找真相,从猜忌、试探到携手、互助、坦诚,最终找到婚姻本质,也找到了真我的爱情故事。
回复 :One morning, somewhere in an isolated Romanian village, a boy wakes up his father to go into town. His father has promised that they’ll go to have their old TV set repaired. The village is not only remote, but a long way from life as most people know it in the twenty first century; if it rains, water floods the house and in order to cross the river, one has to improvise a foot bridge. After they reach town, the father and his son go to a specialist, Bichescu, who repairs their TV set and they both return happily home. The child even manages to get home in time to watch his favourite film starring Bruce Lee.