回复 :Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. George dies while rescuing Eve, leaving her in the custody of Tom (who moves into Honolulu Heights) and Annie. Hal later turns up and becomes the new vampire at Honolulu Heights. Lawyer Nick Cutler, a vampire created by Hal in 1950, plans to expose werewolves as part of a larger plan involving a vampire conquest of Earth. Cutler tries to get Hal back to his old ways of drinking blood and eventually succeeds in breaking Hal down. The blood sends Hal into overdrive and he repulses Alex, whom he is dating, with his crude and unusual behaviour when they meet for a second date. Alex leaves angrily but is followed by one of Cutler's men. Meanwhile, Eve, from the future, reveals to Annie that in her future, most of humankind are dead or living in concentration camps and vampires now rule every inch of the world. Annie is shocked to learn that Hal is the ruthless leader of the new vampire revolution. To save the world, Eve asks Annie to kill her when she is a baby. Cutler reveals Alex's dead body drained of blood as revenge for Hal murdering his wife in similar fashion in 1950. Cutler then locks Hal up but Alex returns as a ghost and helps Hal escape. The Old Ones then arrive in Barry. To save the world Annie blows up Eve and The Old Ones, therefore saving the world, which is her unfinished business. The series ends with Hal, Alex and Tom living together in Honolulu Heights.
回复 :张仲平(王志文 饰)是3D拍卖公司老总,他派外甥徐艺(杜江 饰)带50万现金找胜利大厦开发商左达(汪俊 饰),以换取该大厦拍卖推荐函,嗜赌成性的左达与徐艺赌输赢,最终以自己跳楼自杀收场,而省下50万的徐艺萌生离开舅舅、自立门户的念头。电视台记者曾真(韩雨芹 饰)是徐艺的 暗恋对象,他曾向其表白但遭拒绝。后偶遇暗恋自己的师妹辛然(李菲儿 饰),通过一次突发的“英雄救美”事件,特别是知道辛然的父亲周运年(郑晓宁 饰)是副市长后,他马上与辛然进入热恋之中。底气十足的徐艺要自办拍卖公司令张仲平十分意外,但此时的徐艺今非昔比,他频频用各种潜规则拓展自己的拍卖业务,这令业内同行深感不满,他们决定出招了......
回复 :清朝道光年间,年轻人杨昱乾(吴京 饰)一直跟随师傅修习外家拳,因受先天条件限制,一直没能修炼到登峰造极的境界。因此,师傅建议他改为修炼内家拳,可惜杨昱乾一直没有机会。一次,杨昱乾的父亲回来摆寿时被人上门破坏,杨父迁怒于师傅没有好好教杨昱乾,于是赶走了师傅。随后杨父前往找人晦气时被官府逮住,回来后自觉没脸在家而外出了。而没了师傅的杨昱乾为了修习武艺,也辞别了母亲外出拜师学艺。杨昱乾来到了京城,因为人老实而且没有出过远门,他被人骗光了钱财,只好到一家花店当伙计。一日,花店收到订单拍杨昱乾送一批花篮到漕帮帮主的灵堂。在灵堂上,杨昱乾遇到了前来拜祭的高手董海川,想拜他为师,无奈海川此时有事要办,无法答应,不过海川再次指出杨昱乾的天资应该修习内家拳。随后,陈氏太极高手陈正英(于海 饰)的女儿陈少琪(樊亦敏 饰)代父前来拜祭,此时恰逢漕帮众人为了争夺帮主之位而大打出手,其中一伙竟然还劫持了已故帮主的妻儿。杨昱乾看不过眼,出手相助,被众人打伤。危急关头陈少琪以太极拳相救,帮主夫人趁乱救出了杨昱乾。杨昱乾获救后决心找寻太极高手学艺……