藤原12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his resting place before midnight on Halloween.
藤原12-year-old friends, Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally revive a mummy they discover in a neighbor's basement. They affectionately name the mummy Harold, and must rush to return him to his resting place before midnight on Halloween.
回复 :Peter Plunkett's Irish castle, turned hotel is about to be repossessed, he decides ghosts would attract more Tourists. The trouble begins when a bus load of American tourists arrive. Among them, the daughter of the man who holds the mortgage and a paranormal psychologist and his family. When the real ghosts of castle get angry and decide to take a hand in things will they all survive Halloween?
回复 :《音乐家》根据冼星海在阿拉木图的经历改编,赞颂人民音乐家在异国他乡遭受苦难却仍心系祖国的伟大精神。战时艰苦,冼星海在哈萨克斯坦隐姓埋名,却不忘寻找机会回到祖国。同时他的音乐《黄河大合唱》在遥远的延安时刻鼓舞着艰苦抗战的人民,激励无数有志青年为祖国顽强斗争。而在阿拉木图,他的音乐才华使他结识了当地音乐家拜卡达莫夫。两人建立了深厚友谊,正是他的音乐让不同的民族凝聚在一起,共同克服困难。他所作的《阿曼盖尔德》便是这样文化互相影响包容后的一个成果,对当地人民产生深刻影响,为两国的友谊发展奠定了坚实基础。
回复 :1997年的东北,旧工业正面临告别的时代,18岁的技校女孩杨北冰(卜冠今 饰)意气风发,仗义行事,常带着一帮姐妹四处干架,在一次闯入男澡堂作战后,杨北冰撞见了正在洗澡的发小于一(刘畅 饰),对他心动不已,悄悄展开暗示和追求。没想到于一却爱上了南方女孩紫薇(李梦 饰),杨北冰斗气不成,却也被紫薇成熟独特的气质吸引。然而危险却在悄然萌芽,杨北冰和于一在迪厅打工,意外目睹了老板雷管的杀人现场。杨北冰在恐惧中,又发现发现紫薇和雷管(黄觉 饰)发生了亲密关系……年轻的欲望夹杂着危险,将杨北冰和于一推向成人世界的残酷,遍体鳞伤后,紫薇意外身亡,杨北冰离开东北。多年后杨北冰和于一重逢,回望那场呼啸而过的青春,两人渐渐放下伤痛……