回复 :中外经典交响乐、流行歌曲改编……各类曲目精彩纷呈,用一曲曲交响乐章奏响兔年新春。
回复 :第1集 尼安德特人尼安德特人是现代欧洲人祖先的近亲,从12万年前开始,他们统治着整个欧洲、亚洲西部以及非洲北部,但在两万四千年前,这些古人类却消失了。第2集 直立人直立人,距今约180万~20万年,生活在非洲、欧洲和亚洲的古人类,一般认为直立人起源于非洲。1890年到1892年在印度尼西亚爪哇发现了猿人的下颌骨,头盖骨和腿骨,发现者把他定名为“直立猿人”或“原人直立种”。1929年北京周口店发现的猿人化石定名为“北京的中国猿人”或“中国猿人北京种”,俗称“北京人” 。第3集 阿法猿人露西阿法南猿或南方古猿阿法种,是生存于390-290万年前已灭绝的人科。电影《超体》出现的“猿人露西”就是引用的阿法猿人露西。
回复 :Britain, is an island. Surrounded by a cold and unforgiving sea. For centuries it protected us from attack. But to prosper and thrive, we would need to do more than hide behind her salt water shield. Britain needed brave men, willing to venture out into the unknown and she needed good boats to take them there. I've spent my life at sea. Now I'm going to take passage on six boats that together, tell the story of modern Britain. Built for exploration, war, fishing, industry and our very survival. These are the boats which built Britain, and changed the way we live - forever.