回复 :徐绍良自小随父亲在“红船”出入,醉心演戏,后被父亲送到香港发展,寄居于世叔家中,受尽欺凌。良为出人头地,在戏班、影圈不断打滚,为了个人利益,不择手段。 李华强自小寄人篱下,性格独立,不喜依靠别人。毕业后,强到戏院工作,夜间继续进修,誓要出人头地。康炳仁出身劳苦大众,为人老实。在戏院门外摆卖零食,因而认识绍良及华强,并结成好友。三人虽背景不同,但奋斗目标一致,最后终成为上流社会的大亨。
回复 :
回复 :Horrible Histories is back with a special episode delving in to the life and times of the world's most famous writer. Tom Stourton stars as the Bard, as we find out about his humble beginnings, his glove-making father and his early life as an actor. How did he climb to become a royal favorite? And what was it like to be in the audience of one of his plays, where fruit was throw...