  时间:2025-02-16 17:59:50

新年Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this film which combines documentary scenes, historical documents, fiction elements, animation scenes and educational impact. It its beautifully colored, using tinting and toning in a very elaborated way. Some visual ideas in the sequences with a space shuttle visiting different planets in the universe seem to have to be the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.In the context of Germany's Kulturfilm phenomenon, Wunder der Schöpfung was among the greatest achievements of the 1920s. The production was constructed, rehearsed, and shot over a period of two and a half years, under the supervision of Hanns Walter Kornblum. The idea to describe the universe and man's place in it well suited UFA's Grossfilm mentality, one year before the Metropolis catastrophe. Hundreds of skilled craftsmen participated in the project, building props and constructing scale models drawn by 15 special effects draughtsmen, while 9 cameramen in separate units worked on the historical, documentary, fiction, animation, and science-fiction sequences. Without star roles or even protagonists, the film's plot is crowded with meticulously structured and skillfully acted single scenes an artful mosaic of small vignettes. No less than four credited university professors ensured the factual background behind the scientific and historical events portrayed.The film's symbol of progress and the new scientific era is a spacecraft, travelling through the Milky Way, making all the planets and their inspiring worlds familiar to us, with the extravaganza of their distinctive features. The film's educational intentions, however, become steadily more obscure, humorous, or even campy as this popularization project proceeds. With the excuse of presenting the end of the world a not-so-new concept as a new, undeniably scientific truth, the film veers happily along a new path, displaying detailed apocalyptic scenes of the end of mankind. For today's audiences, this amazing film demonstrates how the universe was comprehended in the 1920s, and how that view was sold to contemporary audiences.




回复 :When William Gridley arrives from the US in London, he rents part of Carly Hardwicke's house from her and promptly begins to fall in love. Gridley doesn't know that many people think she killed her husband but his boss, the American ambassador, knows and doesn't take this "lapse of judgement" lightly. Since Carly is also American, Gridley saves his job by introducing her to the ambassador, who is promptly smitten and promises to help her. So when a Scotland Yard detective arrives, wanting to get to the truth one way or another, they say they'll help him. And then the comedic complications really begin.



回复 :年轻帅气的“技术者”志赫(金宇彬 饰),被誉为是窃盗界的最强头脑,任何金库都难不倒他,还能伪造一切资料,制订滴水不漏的盗窃计划。他联手“掌控者”人力调配专家久仁(高昌锡 饰),以及“隐形者”超强黑客宗裴(李玹雨 饰),3人每一个都是行业内最顶级的高手,他们曾在3分钟之内,轻松在警察眼皮底下偷走价值30亿的珠宝,并在盗窃界一夜成名。耳闻三人实力的黑手党赵社长(金英哲 饰),决定网罗他们,希望他们加入最高难度的偷窃任务──40分钟内,在全亚洲安保级别最高的仁川海关盗取1500亿现金的赃款。究竟这三位实力高超的“技术者”、“掌控者”和“隐形者”,能否成功达成任务?还是将失败落入法网?而志赫和赵社长之间的心机角力,又将会是谁胜谁负?



回复 :富家千金聂菲娅、纯情甜美李小萌和家境贫寒却坚韧不拔的韩小轩决定另辟蹊径一起创业,她们选择情趣用品作为创业的开始,创业路上家人的法对,他人异样的目光,爱人的离开让她们几乎放弃,但是与刘亚楠和范笑笑的邂逅更坚定了她们的创业之路,最终得到了他人的认可走向成功之路



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