奇迹Mike and Angie Jones are determined to keep their seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, out of a demon’s hands.They will do everything in their power to make her safe and to bring an end to the turmoil the demon is causing their family…
奇迹Mike and Angie Jones are determined to keep their seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, out of a demon’s hands.They will do everything in their power to make her safe and to bring an end to the turmoil the demon is causing their family…
回复 :Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.
回复 :22世纪,机器人及人工智能技术取得颠覆式发展。由于人工智能基点提前到来,数量和智力上都以指数型增速完成自我进化的机器人,开始大肆占领国家重要枢纽机构,全面清洗人类,节节败退的人类处境岌岌可危。一小部分人类伺机而动,成为正邪泯灭,钱字当头的赏金猎人。三方势力胶着,日趋白热化,彼此的仇恨一触即发…为了拯救人类,一支人类特遣小分队,独闯停战区。他们究竟能不能在一个小时里,找到机器人设计致命弱点,拯救整个人类。
回复 :一个漆黑的夜晚,私人侦探迈克在高速公路上遇到一个女孩拦车。这个女孩只穿着一件军用大衣,他把她接上了车。不久,他的车子发生了意外,冲出了路边。他在昏迷之中,听到了那个女孩被折磨致死。在被扔下悬崖大命不死后,他决心自己追踪那些凶手,而不顾重重的威胁和贿赂。在这个过程,他找到了很多离奇的线索,还有一位奇怪的女孩,最终面对一个致命的秘密。