桃花Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of audio journals as well as interviews and testimonials from molikan.com his inner circle of family and friends are used to tell the legend's life story.
桃花Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of audio journals as well as interviews and testimonials from molikan.com his inner circle of family and friends are used to tell the legend's life story.
回复 :9月18日星期一,是放纵张扬的高校女孩泰莉·格尔布曼(杰西卡·罗德 Jessica Rothe 饰)的生日,同时也是她亡母的生日。前一晚她烂醉如泥,睡在了有一面之缘的男生卡特的房间。她醒来后回到宿舍,匆匆赶去上课。夜幕降临,姐妹们为她准备了惊喜的生日派对。谁知在赶赴派对的途中,泰 莉遭到蒙面男的杀害。吊诡的是,当她再度醒来时,发现自己又回到了9月18日的早上,十数个小时前经历的一切又不得不重新经历一遍,其中包括被杀的遭遇。就这样,抓狂的泰莉不断尝试改变命运,又一次次被神秘男人所杀害。她仿佛落入了永世轮回的诅咒之中,无法超生……
回复 :一场秘密的聚会。一个男人欺骗他的妻子,女人欺骗了她的丈夫,然后很快一切都变糟了。
回复 :A group of experienced archeologists are searching for an old and mystic Phoenician treasure when they are surprised by a series of mysterious murders...