回复 :空军上尉秦朗在一次实弹演习中克服困难完成了任务后却被派去改装空中加油机,一心想改装K型机的秦朗不服却不得不听从上级命令。在江城,秦朗遇见了因事故免职的空军上校丰雷,作风严谨不近人情的丰雷与心高气傲感情用事的秦朗在观念上产生了极大的冲突,两人在训练期间经常斗智斗勇。一次意外,丰雷发现秦朗对空中右发停车有严重的心理阴影,丰雷不计前嫌用各种方法试图让秦朗克服心理恐惧。邻国动乱,我军出境反恐却遭遇了恐怖分子的袭击,飞机被敌方导弹击中,千钧一发之际秦朗克服了心理恐惧单轮着陆救了人也救下了飞机。最终秦朗如愿以偿的改装了K型机,也收获了爱情。而队长丰雷,在与秦朗的相处中也重新理解了亲情,友情和爱情。
回复 :是一部关于Jacques Demy 的《[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062873/ 洛城少女]》(Demoiselles de Rochefort,1966)的纪录片,片中混合了当初拍片的现场纪录和二十几年后Rochefort当地为影片庆生的实况。In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole town in cheerful, almost surreal fashion for the filming of his next musical, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort. This enormously well-received film, packed with songs which became integral to French popular culture, put the little town of Rochefort "on the map." Twenty five years later, a lot of things have changed except for the fond memories of the people who worked on the film, and of the townspeople. In this celebratory documentary, Agnes Varda, the wife of Jacques Demy, brings some of the players and extras together back in Rochefort for some reminiscences. In keeping with the thoroughly romantic nature of the musical, she also tells the story of how Les Demoiselles de Rochefort's extras found romance and had their lives changed by participating in its making. The present-day story is highlighted by clips from the earlier film, and from a documentary of the period showing how it was made. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
回复 :讲述1990年代,为了推翻跨国毒品垄断集团,伪装成权胜浩的警察朴俊默(池昌旭 饰)潜入毒品交易中心江南联合组织展开调查。