丝袜Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials and tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies while preaching the Word of God.
丝袜Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials and tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies while preaching the Word of God.
回复 :Documentary exploring the life and work of the novelist, poet, social critic and self-proclaimed 'outsider', who was often persecuted for his explicit subject matter.
回复 :由新加坡導演黃程瀚執導,紀錄米其林二星餐廳老闆江振誠的事業軌跡。講述台灣名廚André Chiang江振誠面對食物、生活皆追求完美的態度,也揭開他捨棄名利、結束新加坡米其林二星餐廳的原委。
回复 :本片以港珠澳大桥建设最后一节沉管E30号沉放安装过程为叙述主线,表现了中国桥梁建设者们自力更生、“敢为天下先”的创新精神和艰苦卓绝的奋斗历程,展示了大桥项目涉及水文、地质、白海豚、防台风和满足通航、海事、航空限高等复杂的建设难题,并将大桥主体工程桥、岛、隧三大部分的设计理念和世界领先的关键技术,如万花筒般呈现出来。影片利用多样的拍摄手段,巧妙的剪辑手法,讲述了港珠澳大桥建造期间生动的故事。在刻画了一个个鲜活人物的同时,影片借助文献的力量,搜集了大量珍贵的纪录片视频资料,通过对中国桥梁史的分析,使影片内容更具科学性,影片精神更具传承。