回复 :Bill Saunders, disturbed ex-soldier, kills a man in a postwar London pub brawl. Fleeing, he hides out in the apartment of lonely nurse Jane Wharton. Later, despite misgivings about his violent nature, Jane becomes involved with Bill, who resolves to reform. She gets him a job driving a medical supplies truck. But racketeer Harry Carter, who witnessed the killing, wants to use Bill's talents for crime.
回复 :The story of ten-year-old Nori plays out in Kosovo, in Germany, and on the road between the two countries. His father Gezim dominates his entire world, however, one day he leaves for work in the “West” and Nori won’t be placated concerning his sudden disappearance.
回复 :本片荣获第十四届亚洲影展最佳影片、第七届金马奖优等剧情片及最佳录音三大奖项,为邵氏首席女星──「娃娃影后」李菁的文艺代表作,并伙拍被誉为「最美丽的动物」的张仲文、《不了情》男主角关山。故事讲述珊珊(李菁)刁蛮任性,横刀夺爱,抢去与姊姊(张燕)感情尤佳的志坚(何藩),更迫他们断绝来往。直至珊珊身患脑癌绝症,才懊悔自己过去太自私,於是性情大变,豁然让爱,并做尽好事、体谅父母(张仲文、关山),希望用爱去弥补过失,好好走完仅餘六个月的生命。