日本The new show by comedian Whindersson Nunes entitled This Is Not a Cult is now available on Netflix. This time, the artist reflects on current events, social networks, religion and much more.
日本The new show by comedian Whindersson Nunes entitled This Is Not a Cult is now available on Netflix. This time, the artist reflects on current events, social networks, religion and much more.
回复 :Sara is offered the perfect apartment: roomy, very bright, luxurious and so inexpensive. There's just one problem: she can't move in until the current owner, the elderly Lola, dies.
回复 :An evil alien bong crashes on earth. Its intent: world domination. Our stoner heroes are sent to the alien bong planet and held captive by nude alien beauties. Their only hope to escape and...
回复 : 唐初,太子李建成亲随石彦生(吴兴国饰)与秦王李世民旗下大将霍达(张丰毅饰)交好,二人于郊祭狩猎时邂逅公主红萼(陈冲饰),红萼风情万种,自此在石彦生心中留下印迹。不久玄武门之变事发,石彦生早由霍达处得知消息,却无力改变局势。 太子被杀,石彦生为保石家清白,立誓绝不侍大唐,与五名下属剃度为僧,隐居寺庙,伺机起兵反对秦王。不久红萼到访,一行人在山下的繁华世界流连,始知大势已去,天下太平。一行人在归途中被官军截杀,红萼死于刀下,石彦生万念俱灰,寻至一处破庙,得孤老僧人(李名炀饰)收留,但石彦生终日只被往事纠缠,心苦不得脱。未几,一名酷似红萼的女子在庙中削发为尼,再次将石牵回记忆的羁绊。