欧美A coal mine in the Donbas region is infiltrated by a haywire cult that invites members to sacrifice a finger to the "sacred ax"--but two rugged miners fight back when a sweet village girl falls into the fold.
欧美A coal mine in the Donbas region is infiltrated by a haywire cult that invites members to sacrifice a finger to the "sacred ax"--but two rugged miners fight back when a sweet village girl falls into the fold.
回复 :一个精明的乐器商扮作音乐教授Prof. Harold Hill,来到衣阿华州的小镇River City;他以他的高超技巧和超级感染力,成功的说服居民小镇需要成立一个男孩乐团,他开始让整个小镇疯狂,除了2个人--小镇镇长,钢琴女教师暨图书管理员。事实上,Harold根本不是什么教授,他甚至连一个音符都不懂...穿帮在即,Harold如何应付呢?
回复 :大導演胡金銓早年傑作,改編自《警世通言》之〈玉堂春落難逢夫〉。故事講述吏部尚書幼子王金龍(趙雷)與名妓蘇三(樂蒂)真情相愛,無奈床頭金盡,被趕出富春院。其後蘇三被老鴇(紅薇)暗賣予富戶沈燕林(楊志卿)為妾,卻被沈妻皮氏(高寶樹)誣告毒殺親夫,判以死罪。此時金龍已考取功名,官封八府巡按,為救蘇三,決意開堂覆審……本片由「古典美人」樂蒂飾女主角蘇三,配合胡金銓一絲不苟的製作,乃黃梅調片不朽的經典。
回复 :After the Great Earthquake in Northeastern Japan, Mitsuo is sent to a mental hospital from the strain of grief from working to clear out the debris of the disaster. When he is released 3 years later, he feels a moment of happiness as he is welcomed back by his brother Yuta, his wife Yoko, their first daughter Chie, and their second daughter Itsuki, who has a down syndrome.The next day, Chie wishes to go to the amusement park, and Mitsuo takes Chie and Itsuki there. But these happy moments don't last long, and the incident happens at the park. Chie dropped Itsuki on the concrete when Mitsuo took his eyes off of them. Yoko cannot accept Itsuki's death, madly questions Chie and Mitsuo. In this pressure, Chie lies that "Uncle Mitsuo dropped Itsuki." As Yoko goes through a mental breakdown from the shock. Becoming full with regret day by day, Yoko accuses Yuta and questions if he felt relieved that Itsuki died. Hearing this fight between her parents, Chie's heart was also slowly being ...