回复 :改编自英国小说家马丁艾米斯(Martin Amis)1989年作品《伦敦战场》。安柏赫德主演。以英国伦敦为背景,讲述一个具有预知未来能力的美女,她与3个不同的男人周旋,然而她已预知,其中一个人将会谋杀她……
回复 :SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片!sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream it wouldn't have been indie, would it?... so, the best thing i could say about "Zbogum na 20 vek" is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don't love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.5/10
回复 :倩在村里被三名青年轮奸,为了声誉不敢报警,只身离开家乡到深圳寻找新生活,五年后她认识了德,两人更筹备结婚。三名强奸犯先后出狱,并前来找倩,并再次强奸她,德因知道了真相而离开倩,令倩明白要改变自己命运只能靠自己,她决定展开报复,用最狠毒的手段将那群恶魔逐一杀死……