日月人鱼The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
日月人鱼The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
回复 :True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality shows public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson's struggle to create greater fairness in the legal system and demonstrates how racial injustice emerged, evolved and continues to threaten the country, challenging viewers to confront it.
回复 :一部温情而幽默的纪录片,这部电影由来自全球的六位杰出的父亲组成,通过访谈录、家庭影片,短视频纪录等形式展现父亲育儿的考验和磨难。
回复 :著名大學醫學院教授林惜家(黃秋生 飾),專門研究人類可以長時間不需睡眠的方法。一天,前女友丘夢熙(吳俐璇 飾)突然現身求助,原來她的家人全部患上失眠症,病情去到末期,病人更會陷入失常狀態、極具攻擊性!為探究真相,林惜家開始連串恐怖實驗:潛入停屍間偷取病人大腦,又把丘夢熙關在密室軟禁,藉此研究睡眠和大腦蛋白質之間的關係…隨著實驗愈深入,蹊蹺的事情不斷在丘夢熙身上發生;就連林惜家也看似受感染,心底開始出現吃人肉的慾望… 原來一切牽涉到45年前,孿生姐妹侯文媛和侯文禎(衛詩雅 分飾)的一宗倫常慘案有關!