回复 :As Cheng Kang’s [14 Amazons] is shown at this year’s Busan International Film Festival as a special screening, a Korean film [A Journey with Korean Masters] will be screened. It’s an omnibus film consisting of 5 shorts directed by 5 veteran Korean filmmakers that were once among the most prominent in the industry Park Cheol-su, Byun Jangho, Lee Doo-yong, Lee Chang-ho and Jung Ji-young. It is a modest project about Seoul, produced by the A Journey with Korean Masters Production Committee. In this film, the masters collaborate with a wealth of actors of varying generations in promoting the city, integrating its past and present throughout the film. This special screening is an excellent chance to enjoy the hallmarks that define these mature, highly experienced directors. Although some may be familiar, others have not been in the public eye for almost twenty years.
回复 :因身体肥胖而行动困难的费德每天只能待在家里过着单调乏味的生活,真到有一天他的姐夫拉蒙给他看了他们外出旅游时拍的照片。这激发起费德对摄影的浓厚兴趣。在相片冲洗店里,费德遇到了店主的儿子,一个酷爱漫画书的孤独少年保罗。费德慢慢地发现摄影对他来讲已经不只是一个爱好,而是成了他生命的寄托。三个人的友谊也在交往中不断深化,并彻底改变了他们的生活。
回复 :故事以日本的山梨县都留市为舞台,讲述围绕日本传统技艺狮子舞而展开的父女亲情。武田梨奈饰演的主人公菊池秋音在母亲百合子去世后,与父亲之间渐生隔阂。高中毕业后离开故乡的秋音,在母亲13年忌日之际回到老家。在老家即将举办的60年一度的大祭祀前夕,将表演压轴狮子舞的父亲却倒下了...