大卫·田纳特将参演全新BBC喜剧《她来了》(There She Goes,午夜闻暂译),午夜闻他在剧中将扮演一个有着严重学习障碍女孩萝丝的父亲,剧中大卫·田纳特和杰西卡·海因斯分别扮演西蒙和艾米丽,米莉·洛克扮演9岁女孩萝丝。该剧由《最错决定》肖恩·派伊操刀剧本。该剧共5集,剧即将在BBC4播出。
大卫·田纳特将参演全新BBC喜剧《她来了》(There She Goes,午夜闻暂译),午夜闻他在剧中将扮演一个有着严重学习障碍女孩萝丝的父亲,剧中大卫·田纳特和杰西卡·海因斯分别扮演西蒙和艾米丽,米莉·洛克扮演9岁女孩萝丝。该剧由《最错决定》肖恩·派伊操刀剧本。该剧共5集,剧即将在BBC4播出。
回复 :天河两端,居住着南北二帝王,执念万物生死。一日,两人对弈间兴起赌局,以情之一字为媒介,以生死天劫为赌约,将北斗玄珠投下凡尘,历经三世情劫。
回复 :以韩国富人区江南区的贵族私立高中为背景,女主人公在失踪后没有了自己的记忆为开端,讲述了在学校所发生的一系列青春校园故事。一直被人孤立、却在一天早晨颠覆成为江南的名牌高中——世江高中的风云人物的李恩菲(金所炫饰)、拥有八块腹肌身材健美的新星、被媒体和大众的聚光灯包围的游泳 天才、外冷内热的世江高中公认的校草韩以安(南柱赫饰),与世江高中的定时炸弹、捣蛋鬼、四次元少年孔太光(陆星材饰)的碰撞擦出怎样火花令人期待。*导演讲述《学校2015》更具现实意义:1)围绕女主 #金所炫# 为中心的高中生治愈故事,与之前以男生矛盾友情为主体不同。2)每集片头都会采访家长老师和学生的不同苦恼,更新鲜丰富真实的话题。3)不同年代妈妈和孩子青春共同成长发生的碰撞与矛盾。
回复 :Bulletproof follows two cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.