回复 :The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often runs into trouble because he loves to play, and most of the times the rules of Villads' playing are in conflict with the rules of the adults.
回复 :“We do know that our job is not ‘normal’, as much as the one of those working in the so-called acrobatic construction. But this does not mean that those who do sex work should be stigmatized and not considered serious enough. It’s just a different life choice, but equally dignified and valid.” Through the real life of Pandina and Pandone, Radiopornopanda explores the world of paid online couple shows. The journey of a couple who have made this type of expression their professional activity, told through the voyeuristic gaze of the director.
回复 :舒克贝塔驾驶着全新装备五角飞碟向宇宙出发冒险,但是当他们回到地球时突发意外,穿越到十年后的魔方市。老鼠们的航空公司已经被捣毁,有一伙自称“极盗团”的老鼠们,正在霸占机场做尽坏事!为了重建自己的家园,舒克贝塔加入极盗团展开了一场卧底行动!这一次坚强勇敢的舒克贝塔该如何应对?