故事发生在一座平凡小镇。樱丘高中三年级学生榎本夏树(户松遥 配音)一直喜欢从小一起长大的好友濑户口优(神谷浩史 配音),国产虽然两人相处融洽,国产可是她一直不能鼓起勇气向对方告白。为此夏树常常以优为目标,反复进行告白练习。就在这个关口,优接到了同学绫濑恋雪(代永翼 配音)的约会邀请。危机当前,夏树能否成功完成爱情告白吗?本片是根据视频网站上用户HoneyWorks创作的乐曲改编的动画第一弹。
故事发生在一座平凡小镇。樱丘高中三年级学生榎本夏树(户松遥 配音)一直喜欢从小一起长大的好友濑户口优(神谷浩史 配音),国产虽然两人相处融洽,国产可是她一直不能鼓起勇气向对方告白。为此夏树常常以优为目标,反复进行告白练习。就在这个关口,优接到了同学绫濑恋雪(代永翼 配音)的约会邀请。危机当前,夏树能否成功完成爱情告白吗?本片是根据视频网站上用户HoneyWorks创作的乐曲改编的动画第一弹。
回复 :在参拜母亲坟墓的回程途中,真嗣(绪方惠美 配音)和葛城美里(三石琴乃 配音)遭遇了第七使徒的攻击,关键时刻2号机势如破竹挫败对手,真嗣也由此结识了2号机的操纵者式波·明日香·兰格蕾(宫村优子 配音)。与沉默寡言的绫波丽(林原惠美 配音)不同,明日香自信张扬,甚至有些自大,在和真嗣相处的日子里,彼此闹出不少的笑话。他们三人分别驾驶着零号机、初号机和2号机,抵抗了第八使徒猛烈的攻击,在这一过程中,淡淡的情愫悄然在这三个青年男女的心中萌生。不久后,第九、十使徒相继降临,真嗣他们面临着生与死的残酷考验……本片为福音战士新剧场版四部曲第二部。
回复 :Nerdland is an R-rated cartoon comedy about celebrity, excess, and two showbiz nobodies, John (Paul Rudd) and Elliott (Patton Oswalt), with a plan to become famous—or even infamous—by the end of the night.
回复 :Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers are joined by Tommy, the once evil Green Ranger designed for Rita's evil, but later was deprogrammed and spent two portions of the series briefly as the Green Ranger. Over time, some rangers had to pass their powers to others as well. Action scenes and scenes with Rita were edited from footage based on Japanese action sagas. Replacement villain Lord Zedd was designed in the U.S. Written by Ondre Lombard {piero@cyberverse.com}