日本After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impulses.
日本After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impulses.
回复 :
回复 :After a nuclear attack, a strange virus has turned 90% of the male population of the world into lust-filled zombies. However, in Akihabara, Japan, some males have been found who are uninfected. This small group of healthy men decides to team up with the Zombies to satisfy their own carnal desires. The women survivors must now band together and fight to survive in post-apocalypt...
回复 :为纪念抗美援朝战争胜利70周年,《志愿军》三部曲将全景式、多维度立体展现这场新中国的立国之战。电影《志愿军:雄兵出击》为该系列首部。1949年建国初期,新中国面临“内忧外患”局面。朝鲜内战爆发以来,美军屡在中朝边境挑衅,平民惨遭轰炸。为了维护来之不易的和平、为了世代长久的安稳,1950年10月,中国人民志愿军入朝,“抗美援朝”战争拉开帷幕。这是一场“举国之战”——朝鲜战场,即使军备实力对比悬殊,我军却用壮烈牺牲换回节节胜利;外交舞台,中华人民共和国代表团首度亮相联合国,中国新声赢得国际敬畏。新中国,寸土不让扬国威;新青年,意气风发保家国。