亚洲影网Plot Outline Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...
亚洲影网Plot Outline Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...
回复 :土耳其(杰森•斯坦森饰)是一位黑市拳击的经理人,不过他遇到了麻烦,本该参加比赛的选手被吉普赛人米奇(布拉德•皮特饰)一拳击倒。土耳其不得不选择在黑帮老大布里克(阿兰•福特饰)与吉塞人之间周旋,来获得生机。与此同时,四指弗兰克(本尼西奥•德尔•托罗饰)携带一颗86克拉的钻石来到伦敦,这件赃物引起了各路匪徒的兴趣,其中包括军火商老布(拉德•舍博德兹加饰)、杀手“子弹牙齿”托尼(维尼•琼斯饰)与黑人小混混维尼(罗比•吉饰)。这些心怀不轨的罪犯各自盘算着自己的完美计划,不想造化弄人,惊人的巧合引出一连串幽默的冷笑话。所有的一切都在伦敦的夜晚交织,究竟谁能够从中解脱?就在盖•瑞奇导演的《偷拐抢骗》中揭晓。
回复 :A look at the life of the legendary Rhythm and Blues musician, James Brown, from his early years in South Carolina to his efforts during the Civil Rights movement.
回复 :在电视剧《凡尔赛宫》热播之际,主持人、历史学家Lucy Worsley和Helen Castor来到取景地,法国凡尔赛宫,讲述这座世界最伟大建筑之一背后的真实故事。