回复 :Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hopes dashed. Somewhere between documentary, fiction and pure testimonial record, the young adolescents show themselves the way they really are, the way we rarely see them, or the way they let us see them: taking advantage of the film camera to show off the best of themselves and renew our trust in the future; from fragility and emotion, with humour, intelligence, beliefs and ideas. Because the young people who speak to us about love, friendship, politics or education refer not only to their own situation, but to the things that always matter to us, at any age. Quién lo impide is a film about ourselves: about what we were, what we are and what we will continue to be.
回复 :2010年,苏格兰格拉斯哥。一种未知、恐怖的病毒肆意蔓延,感染着全身布满疱疹,溃烂流脓,最终在折磨中痛苦死去。由于缺少医疗设备和疫苗,短短一周内死亡人数成千上万。为抑制病毒蔓延,英国政府对苏格兰进行全面封锁,企图将病毒彻底隔离。在此之后,地球上其他地区的人们得到长达近三十年的平静,但在2035年某天,该死亡病毒再次于英国伦敦爆发。正当政府官员焦急万分之际,他们得到了一条令人振奋的消息。一张卫星照片显示,在苏格兰隔离区有生命存活的迹象。为了找到对抗病毒的办法,政府派出以伊登•辛克莱(罗娜•米特拉 Rhona Mitra 饰)为首的科学队伍进入隔离区。伊登当年从疫区侥幸逃生,当她回到这片阔别将近三十年的故土时,却发现这里已经变成弱肉强食、蛮荒残暴的血肉战场……
回复 :ddd影片讲述了圣彼得堡四个靠倒卖二战文物为生的年轻人从现代回到战火纷飞的1942年,经历了伟大卫国战争的炮火硝烟洗礼后又回到现代,在短短的62个小时过后变得成熟的故事....