火力Something terrifying is happening off the coast of Block Island. A strange force is thriving, influencing residents and wildlife alike.
火力Something terrifying is happening off the coast of Block Island. A strange force is thriving, influencing residents and wildlife alike.
回复 :Lira, a prize-winning author, spends a week to finish her final novel. But when she meets Andrei, a young documentarist, her plans start to change.
回复 :不靠谱神探“满天飞”(贾冰 饰)PK嫌疑人天团(喻恩泰、蒋梦婕、刘桦、于洋、李倩、牛信信、冯鑫垚等饰)!倾国倾城的一代名伶被暗枪杀害!头七之夜,私家侦探满天飞和众位嫌疑人被劫持在一家戏院。号称“疯子”的神秘花脸带手下将他们团团围住,强迫满探长必须在 四小时内查明真凶,否则,就将现场所有人杀死,祭献美人亡魂!倒计时开始!人人都有秘密,人人都在演戏,神仙斗法,密室寻凶!谜底中藏着谜底,反转后再度反转,爆笑中引发惊悚,一层层谎言,将真相逐渐揭开……
回复 :Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.