回复 :Cowboy James Franciscus seeks fame and fortune by capturing a Tyrannosaurus Rex living in the Forbidden Valley and putting it in a Mexican circus. His victim, called the Gwangi, turns out to have an aversion to being shown in public. Another film featuring the stop-action special effects talents of Ray Harryhausen.
回复 :Jimmy Carr finds humour in the darkest of places in this stand-up comedy special. This special features Jimmy's trademark dry, sardonic wit and includes some jokes which Jimmy calls "career enders".
回复 :三名劫匪计划周的去抢劫银行,其中一名化妆成小丑,在银行即将打烊之际潜入,并持枪劫持十多名人质,闻讯赶到的警方,将银行层层包围,试图与劫匪谈判,释放人质,而一阵忙乱之际,劫匪小丑竟离奇消失,甚至挟走百万巨款脱逃出了警方层层包围,但是纽约拥挤街道,忙碌的人潮,多样性的文化,使得他们逃亡的过程中产生种种的笑话,