在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,微杏有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,微杏老板是一位50岁左右的大叔,他会为每一个到访的食客做一份只属于他(她)的食物,一碗饭一个故事,一碟菜一段人生,暖心抚慰都市夜归人。大叔随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远,大叔还会在食堂里继续倾 听大家的故事。
在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,微杏有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,微杏老板是一位50岁左右的大叔,他会为每一个到访的食客做一份只属于他(她)的食物,一碗饭一个故事,一碟菜一段人生,暖心抚慰都市夜归人。大叔随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远,大叔还会在食堂里继续倾 听大家的故事。
回复 :"Sinofuturism is an invisible movement. A spectre already embedded into a trillion industrial products, a billion individuals, and a million veiled narratives. It is a movement, not based on individuals, but on multiple overlapping flows. Flows of populations, of products, and of processes. Because Sinofuturism has arisen without conscious intention or authorship, it is often mistaken for contemporary China. But it is not. It is a science fiction that already exists.Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of China and the people of its diaspora.With reference to Afrofuturism and Gulf Futurism, Sinofuturism presents a critical and playful approach to subverting cultural clichés.In Western media and Orientalist perceptions, China is exotic, strange, bizarre, kitsch, tacky, or cheap. In its domestic media, China portrayed as heroic, stable, historic, grand, and unified. Rather than counteract these skewed narratives, Sinofuturism proposes to push them much further.By embracing seven key stereotypes of Chinese society (Computing, Copying, Gaming, Studying, Addiction, Labour and Gambling), it shows how China's technological development can be seen as a form of Artificial Intelligence."
回复 :一个男人因为凶杀案含冤入狱,而真正的凶手则逍遥法外。凶手是一位文人,对祖国接连不断发生的背叛事件和人心冷漠而感到心寒。身陷囹圄的男人在遇到一些奇怪神秘的事件后,感到牢狱生活似乎不再那么难以忍受。
回复 :博士姐姐董丽思想传统,是父母眼中的乖乖女,却与跨国恋人吉米情意缠绵;导游妹妹董芸性格开放,是旁人眼中的叛逆者,却与景区保安郭青松青梅竹马。于是,董家姐妹花在苗寨演绎出一场令人啼笑皆非的轻喜剧。