回复 :Officer John Cooper returns to duty after recovering from back surgery and meets his new partner, Officer Jessica Tang, a tough and disciplined cop with her own set of baggage from working the streets. Lydia, whose new partner is Ruben Robinson, can't seem to escape helping a former CI who won't stay in safety. Ben, Sammy and Dewey chase an armed man into an elementary school, while Ben bumps heads with an intense street cop whose cynical attitude is affecting their work.
回复 :主要讲述童年时期的谢尔顿跟家人一同在德克萨斯州生活的一系列故事。
回复 :安妮(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)是一名长期被抑郁困扰的女子,复杂而又破碎的家庭关系让她感到精疲力竭。欧文(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)出生于一个庞大的家庭企业之中,作为家里的第五个孩子,他被医生诊断患上了精神分裂症,每一天都处于濒临崩溃的边缘。詹姆斯博士(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 Justin Theroux 饰)发明出了一种新药,据说可以治疗人类心智上的一切疑难杂症,目前已经进入了人体实验阶段,这种新药吸引了包括安妮和欧文在内的十名“小白鼠”,他们一起加入了詹姆斯博士的计划之中。詹姆斯博士向受试者承诺,这种药不会带来任何的并发症和副作用,但事实真的如此吗?