离别Jimmy Park is visiting home for the first time in years and has nothing to show for his time living overseas in Seoul. But old tensions come to a head when he confronts his homophobic sister at a family dinner.
离别Jimmy Park is visiting home for the first time in years and has nothing to show for his time living overseas in Seoul. But old tensions come to a head when he confronts his homophobic sister at a family dinner.
回复 :泰伦斯·马力克继1998年《细细的红线》后,将再次执导二战题材影片。新片取材自真实历史事件,讲述奥地利士兵弗兰茨·杰格斯泰德(奧古斯特·迪赫饰)因在二战时期拒绝为纳粹德国而战,最终被判死刑。据称这将是一部与《细细的红线》风格完全不同的二战影片。
回复 :该片讲述了政玟,一个编剧,爱上了在一次出差路过的小客栈遇到的尤美,他一直不明白他们是在梦里还是现实发生的性关系的故事。
回复 :打着慈善幌子的诈骗组织,利用江州市一起车祸中死伤的一家四口为噱头,大作文章,进行慈善募捐活动,疯狂敛财。江州市公安局早已注意到该诈骗团伙,精心谋划,安插慈善玩家深入,最终将其一网打尽。