寄给狱中丈夫的包裹突然打回头,男女妻子别无选择只得远赴西伯利亚寻找答案。列宁巨像矗立,男女铁幕阴影无处不在,人人落魄失魂自我麻醉,对一切视若无睹。的士司机说「监狱助人生存」,妻子面对高墙却处处受尽屈辱, 丈夫依然下落不明,欲知真相代价沉重。启发自陀思妥耶夫斯基的《温柔女子》,撕破温柔尽现残酷,暴露极权压迫至今仍阴魂不散。洛兹尼萨以纯酿伏特加,为俄罗斯民族的苦难干杯,留在喉头的,是烧心灼热与苦涩回味。
寄给狱中丈夫的包裹突然打回头,男女妻子别无选择只得远赴西伯利亚寻找答案。列宁巨像矗立,男女铁幕阴影无处不在,人人落魄失魂自我麻醉,对一切视若无睹。的士司机说「监狱助人生存」,妻子面对高墙却处处受尽屈辱, 丈夫依然下落不明,欲知真相代价沉重。启发自陀思妥耶夫斯基的《温柔女子》,撕破温柔尽现残酷,暴露极权压迫至今仍阴魂不散。洛兹尼萨以纯酿伏特加,为俄罗斯民族的苦难干杯,留在喉头的,是烧心灼热与苦涩回味。
回复 :影片主人公悟史,从小就体弱多病还很爱哭,坚强的母亲始终陪伴在他身边,细心呵护并帮助他。母子是彼此最为亲密的依靠。两年前母亲突然查出癌症,曾经用来安慰悟史的话语现在都要由他说给母亲听,他发誓要帮助母亲,为了母亲做了很多尝试。还遇到了体贴的女友真里。即便悟史始终陪伴着母亲,坚定地与母亲一起抵抗癌症,但母亲还是在2012年春天去世了,母亲去世一年后,父亲兄弟都开始了新生活,而悟史却突然收到了母亲的礼物。正如悟史在影片结尾处所写“父母之死有改变子女人生的力量,我的死亡也将助你向前”。面对死亡这个人生必经的课题,主人公最终收获了成长,释然地与母亲完成了告别。
回复 :导 演:巩固编 剧:陈世龙主 演:郝晨、曹翠芬片 种:故事片类 型:剧情出品单位:北京纽音国际文化传媒有限公司长 度:92分钟出品年代:2009摄影:赵昱清剪辑:秦军原创音乐:何淼澍/ 郭传林该片主要反映老百姓平常生活中不寻常的事情,围绕寻找主人公丢失的小女儿而展开的关于家庭、情感、婚姻的故事。
回复 :George Peppard plays a hard-driven industrialist more than a little reminiscent of Howard Hughes.While he builds airplanes, directs movies and breaks hearts, his friends and lovers try to reach his human side, and find that it's an uphill battle.The film's title is a metaphor for self-promoting tycoons who perform quick financial takeovers, impose dictatorial controls for short-term profits, then move on to greener pastures.The Carpetbaggers is the kind of trashy classic most people were too embarrassed to admit they enjoyed back in the early 60s.But this Harold Robbins adaptation is so cheerfully vulgar, it's hard not to have a good time - especially given the thinly veiled portrait of Howard Hughes at its center. George Peppard plays the heel-hero, who founds an airline company in the 1920s and buys a movie studio in the 1930s, crushing friends and mistresses along the way.The high cheese factor is aided by the good-time cast Carroll Baker as Peppard's hot stepmom, Bob Cummings (quite funny) as a cynical agent, and Elizabeth Ashley, who married Peppard, in her debut -uncharacteristically, as a good girl.One sad note is Alan Ladd, looking and sounding very end-of-the-line in his final role, as a man's man cowboy star.Elmer Bernstein's swaggering score helps goose the action along.