回复 :根据台湾知名女作家郭良蕙长篇小说《心锁》拍摄。原著中因涉及叔嫂间恋情,有违中国传统礼俗而经台湾当局查禁,历三十年仍未解除。搬上银幕的《心琐》保留原著中大胆的描述而有更深入的揭露,将爱欲和苦闷、仿徨和挣扎刻划得完整而又有激情。江梦萍有一个玩世不恭而同父异母的二哥江梦石, 以及养子大哥江梦辉。二哥已结婚, 但却是不安于室的男人, 喜欢飞车, 而大哥却是个忠厚老成的未婚医师。江家圣诞舞会中来了一对情侣, 范林和夏丹琪。范林为了前途而与江梦琪结婚, 但仍然不能忘记夏丹琪。夏丹琪因范林的结婚,赌气嫁给了江梦辉。 但是范林与夏丹琪私下仍藕断丝连。另一方面, 江梦石却又对夏丹琪穷追不舍, 终于得到了夏丹琪, 并渐渐产生了爱情。最后的结局是范林和江梦石为了争夺夏丹琪, 而在一场飞车争逐的场面中, 双双因车祸而撞了个血肉模糊, 造成两败俱亡的局面。
回复 :The story of Crypto Boy kicks off in Amsterdam East, where young deliveryman Amir dreams of a better future but gets no further than delivering orders for Burrito, his father Omar's outdated Mexican restaurant. Meanwhile, their neighbourhood is in the midst of complete gentrification. Convenience stores are being replaced by trendy coffee bars, sushi shops and fitness studios – and much to Amir's frustration, his stubborn father is ignoring all his ideas for modernising Burrito. On the other hand, Omar sees his son as an irresponsible idler who isn't capable of taking over the restaurant.When a large real-estate company buys up the block and doubles the rent, father and son are at odds and in danger of losing the restaurant, and their home, for good. But when Amir ends up at a meetup with a charismatic young crypto entrepreneur, he sees a way to solve all their problems. Determined to show his father what he is worth, Amir loses himself in the rapidly growing crypto start-up while Omar watches with suspicion as his son drifts further away.
回复 :这是中国第一部在全国院线公映的关于赛车和自驾车探险运动的纪录电影。本片深入世界各地著名汽车赛场和无人区拍摄,历经3年无间断的深度纪录。在挫折与成功,泪水与欢笑中,展现了他们的风驰电掣的激情人生。何子健,含着车钥匙出生的九零后“全能型”职业车手,成为F1车手是他的梦想。但是,他的赛车在中国方程式大奖赛中状况频发,想要拿到最后的冠军,他必须背水一战。户外探险车手刘杰,无数次深陷荒野、绝处逢生,被称为“无人区大神”。但这一次,他收到一位美女车手的挑战书,她开着武装到牙齿的进口越野车。而刘杰决定驾驶国产车,在巴丹吉林沙漠中,开始人生中最艰难的一场较量。韩魏是中国赛车界的传奇车手。多年前的一场金融风暴击垮了他的企业,是赛车帮他走出了人生低谷。他半路出家,用最快的速度拿遍了中国各种越野赛事的冠军。现在,他要驾驶自己制造的大黄蜂赛车,在世界上最艰苦,最危险的...