明月A typical weekend down the shore takes a bizarre turn into the mysterious New Jersey Pine Barrens as six girls and five obnoxious fist-pumpers become the unsuspecting targets of a mentally-deranged killer.
明月A typical weekend down the shore takes a bizarre turn into the mysterious New Jersey Pine Barrens as six girls and five obnoxious fist-pumpers become the unsuspecting targets of a mentally-deranged killer.
回复 :Lila had a dream to become a dancer since she's a little. She went to Paris trying to make her dream come true. But soon she found out it's not what she thought, her dream was disillusioned. Then she decided to be as a stand-up comedian and a famous one to make her father proud..
回复 :影片讲述了三秒(江奇霖 饰)和他的三个发小,在众人眼里,是到了三十岁“而立之年”一事无成的待业青年,经营着一间濒临倒闭的歌舞厅艰难度日。然而歌舞厅因经营不善导致资金缺乏难以运维下去,于是四个人为了实现成立娱乐公司的美梦飞赴泰国。寄希望于参加别拘一格的美男选美大赛,博得名声赢得巨额奖金回国再战。不料途中被人算计发生种种变故,在现实与梦想、感情与物质之间做出人生选择的故事。
回复 :本片讲述了两个千差万别却同样迷茫的年轻音乐人,一个是多年打拼,事业毫无起色,又屡遭生活暴击的和声歌手珊妮,一个是身患重病,隐姓埋名等待死亡降临的前摇滚乐手董东,对生命感到绝望的二人在自我了断时相遇......自杀计划流产,他们的生活也因彼此的出现发生改变。另外一个时空的故事,从珊妮意外发现的一本1970年代的日记中铺陈开来,一段没有下文的悲伤爱情竟然在珊妮的努力下尘埃落定。跟音乐、爱情和人生有关的种种,让珊妮与董东的相遇愈发神奇。千丝万缕中,是否每一种爱都能开花结果? 他们能否找到继续爱这个世界的理由?