回复 :讲述的是一群自发形成的“纠察队”成员为阻止道貌岸然的腐败“超级英雄”滥用超能力祸害世界,与沃特国际公司旗下的邪恶超能力者展开殊死搏斗的故事。本季有詹森·阿克斯新加盟饰演士兵男孩,劳瑞·侯登饰演绯红伯爵夫人
回复 :铁马新马仔陈志新(罗嘉良)刚调任到李sir的小组,但为同僚眼镜仔所排挤。新马仔因周英奇飞车撞死人案件而结识记者张紫蕙(刘秀萍),两人即坠入爱河,紫蕙大哥张锦辉(李龙基)乃计程车司机,对铁马极度憎恶,加以阻止两人恋情..小飞侠-何国昌(尹阳明)为人正直,为瓦解飞车集团,竟出卖好友Joe(王书麒)。後偶遇一富商之情妇Angel(李婉华),两人瞬即相恋,但Angel基於生活所求,进退两难。皇家铁马一共有13集主题1 铁骑雄风2 飞车女之吻3 马路狂徒4 的士大哥5 铁马俏佳人6 运油风暴7 阿宝8 顶爷9 死亡边缘人10 铁骑豪情11 回到学堂12 光荣何价13 严正法纪
回复 :Jack Mooney is starting to settle in the sun-soaked island of Saint-Marie, and he has some impossible mysteries to solve. A champion poker player, apparently poisoned at the table in front of an astonished audience. A novelist, murdered in a plot more surprising than anything he’s ever written. And a spiritual leader, strangled at a time when all the suspects were each other’s ...