回复 :‘This is not science fiction’, says a commercial inviting young people to join the US Air Force. Indeed it is anything but a utopian vision when drones targeting humans in Afghanistan and other countries are operated from a safe distance. National Bird describes the dramatic experiences of three former Air Force analysts who have decided to break their silence about the secret deployment of these combat drones. Haunted by the realisation that they might have been responsible for the death of innocent victims, they are going public with their knowledge – regardless of the possible consequences. These three war veterans all signed up voluntarily for military service – either out of a sense of idealism, hardship or a feeling of duty. But all that changed as a result of the drone programme.National Bird provides insights into the US drone programme as seen through the eyes of veterans and survivors whose stories are connected. At the same time the film asks whether it is possible for a world to exist other than one in which violence breeds violence. berlinale 2016
回复 :迈阿密警局的一对“黄金”搭档,顾家爱妻的好男人宾纳(马丁•劳伦斯)和衣着光鲜风流倜傥的富家子弟劳瑞(威尔•史密斯),奉命追查一桩价值上亿美元的毒品证物失窃案,如果不能及时完成任务,他俩就得卷铺盖走人。在两人疲于奔命之际,该案件唯一的性感女证人打电话到警局声称她愿意指认主谋,但条件是劳瑞必须出面保护她,否则一切免谈,此时劳瑞刚好不在警局,宾纳为套取线索,急中生智冒名顶替。其后,为了不失去女证人的信任,两人只得将对调身份一事进行到底,宾纳在枪林弹雨及汽车追逐中贴身保护女证人,劳瑞则来到他家中陪伴其妻。
回复 :A cinematic homage to Peter Rice, one of the most distinguished engineers of the late 20th century. Tracing Rice's extraordinary life and career, from his Dundalk childhood to his work on the Sydney Opera House,The Pompidou Centre and the Lloyd's Building, to his untimely death in 1992, Marcus Robinson uses stunning time-lapse photography and revealing interviews to tell the story of a genius who stood in the shadow of architectural icons. Until now.